temporarily getting out of the PS3 scene

Its been a short while since I posted, longer since I released a game and ages since I put out anything for Wii. That’s going to change.

Lets make it official. I’ve been encountering some frustration relating to PS3 development lately so I’m using that as an excuse to take a break from developing for PS3. Not permanently. My plan is to take a look at PSL1GHT in a month or two and begin using that in place of the official SDK that I’ve been using so far.

During that interim I’m going to be returning my focus to my much neglected Wii and to a lesser extent DS. I’ll most likely have a port of Tick Tock Car Race posted sometime tomorrow. Keep your expectations for it low as at the moment its running pretty poorly for me on Wii. In the next following days you can expect to see some things that I have begun working on that are incredibly fucking cool.

7 Responses to temporarily getting out of the PS3 scene

  1. Cid2mizard says:

    soon nmax wii dev compo 2011 😉

  2. 315Groove says:

    Nooooo, you are the only one who does anything of any value in terms of PS3 homebrew besides emulators :*( Oh well, good luck, and please do come back. PSL1GHT has gotten much better.

  3. 315Groove says:

    Oh, by the way, I posted WAY back telling you how to sign without making it geoware. You do sign the contents of the pkg with the npdrm tool, you just dont sign the pkg itself with the package_finalize tool, thats why there were two tools. I’ve been signing your unsigned ones for myself, but when I asked you to release both pkgs, I meant one using just npdrm tool, and one using npdrm tool followed by package finalize tool. You dig?

  4. DazedHerms says:

    arr danm hope you come back soon working on more ps3 games 😀

  5. PuppetMaster says:

    Well deserved break is well deserved. Hope to see you (in the ps3 scene) once again in the future. 🙂

  6. owen says:

    well ps3 brewing is NEW so I was surprised with people started making stuff so soon.

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