To compete or not to compete– that is the question

Just prior to turning my focus to PS3 homebrew I was working on, among other things, a 2D racing game made with SDL. I was making it for the latest contest going on at

It has some kinda cool stuff in it. There are destructible walls, a camera that rotates and zooms in real time (keep in mind that its a truly 2D game and doesn’t use OpenGL or in any way involve mapping things onto hardware accelerated polygons), sprite based text that isn’t mono space (a super simple thing but still something that I’ve never done before) and some old school style motion blur.

But now the contest is reaching its conclusion and I don’t know what I should do. I can definitely get the game done in time. Perhaps not with AI controller cars to compete against but definitely as a time trial style racing game. Except I’m having doubts about whether or not I should submit it.

The Pros:
I could potentially receive $20 USD in a pay pal account.
Once the game is finished I could easily and quickly port it over to Wii which I’ve been feeling bad about abandoning for PS3.

The Cons
Feeling like a jerk. I still consider myself to be a noob and I did even learn some things that I didn’t know yet from their recent post about Alpha-blending in SDL. But I have actually been making games for a while now (one person on psx-scene referred to me as being prolific in the Wii homebrew community which I found amusing largely because the term prolific doesn’t actually imply anything about quality) and I havent actually been following the tutorials at (most of what I’ve learned has been from trial and error and random pages found on google and only viewed once). It never actually says in the rules that you need to have learned this much from this site or that this must be one of if not the first game you’ve developed. But its implied or at the least I perceived it to be.

7 Responses to To compete or not to compete– that is the question

  1. Stephen says:

    I think you should port this to wii.

  2. Mr. Reaper says:

    I think you should combine this and They Do Not Die…. Like in TDND you’d have to go around the city and find the car, and the keys, and some gas cans, then when you’re ready to drive away from the zombie town, you go to the driving mode, and maybe you run over zombies in the road for bonus points, and you avoid obstacles that damage your car…. And then you reach the next town and run out of gas, so you have to go into collection mode again, but at a higher difficulty.

    • Stephen says:

      I was going to suggest this, but I already left a list on the last post about 0.4. I think more weapons would be higher priority, but this is a good idea as well.

  3. Tim says:

    Compete. You don’t have to use any of my code or read any of my tutorials.

  4. EvilTroopa says:

    You should do the compo, its deadline hase been extended to december 31st.
    And about that sentence : “(one person on psx-scene referred to me as being prolific in the Wii homebrew community which I found amusing largely because the term prolific doesn’t actually imply anything about quality)” I couln’t agree more with that person. You make tons of little games and POCs, and that’s quite impressive how you manage to have so many cool projects.
    Too bad you’ve moved to PS3 (imho) :whistle:
    I hope to meet you soon again on a Wii compo !

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